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Get your Employees Engaged by Sharing your Company Vision

Get your Employees Engaged by Sharing your Company Vision

Written by James Osborne

Last edited May 5, 2023

Get your Employees Engaged by Sharing your Company Vision

In the modern day it’s essential for a business owner to bring everyone into the fold when it comes to your strategic business objectives and vision. Or else how else are you supposed to truly get them engaged?Each month the TRN team come together for a meeting we call our ‘Turnouts’ this gives all members of the team the opportunity to share their objectives and successes over the previous month as well a chance for us to share where we are as a business on our journey to reach our strategic objectives. The vision of the company and the transparency of it is vital to our business. But, countless times we’ve come across businesses that hoard the overarching objectives of the business, becoming clandestine and coveted about the journey we all share together.

The traditional hierarchy of business, something like a military chain of a command just simply doesn’t work for a business anymore. Each member of your team brings a unique set of skills and opinions, all doing their part collectively to propel the business to its strategic objectives.

When the fear of losing your most valuable employees looms ever presence in this day and age, something as simple as sharing the objectives of your business and bringing your team into the fold can be a rallying cry to get everyone feeling like a valuable addition to the team and a genuine part of the journey you’re taking together.

Why does an open vision help you as a leader?

1 – Autonomous employees/managers will make decisions that help the objectives:

Sure, they’re going to do this anyway, but if everyone on your team knows the direction you’re going implicitly they’ll be able to make the correct right that’ll help reach the overall vision. If your employees are unsure of what direction their company is going, then they’re going to make a few wrong choices which may lead to complete tangents that hinder the productivity of the business.

2 – More ideas equal a better outcome:

As much as you might think you’re a one-person ideas machine trailblazing the path for the business, it’s naive to think that your employees won’t come up with intelligent and fantastic ideas that may take the business in the right direction. Hiding your vision and objectives from your team removes the chance for them to input their honest feedback and opinions as well as pitch ideas for projects which could help the business immeasurably.

3 – “We’re in this together” Get the most out of your staff:

Steve Jobs and Elon Musk may have been notoriously difficult to get on with in their early start-up days, but their dogged enthusiasm and clear direction brought out an unshakable loyalty and work ethic from their employees. Regularly pulling all-nighters or not leaving the office for days, it was that clear direction and unshakable vision that pushed their teams to literally give their all to make it a reality. Should expect that kind of loyalty if you reserve the business objectives to only the ‘Upper-Echelon’?

4 – A Sales Pitch from the Heart:

One of the strongest sales pitches will come from the salesperson who is genuinely passionate about the product their selling. How can you expect your team to sell your product or service when they’re not allowed to even get excited about the future of the company and their place in it?

How do you effectively share your vision?

1 – Share the important bits:

We’re talking vision, objectives and strategy here. Your team isn’t expecting a 3-hour board meeting going into every single possible detail. Pitch the vision like you would to an Investor, after-all if your team aren’t signed on with your vision then you’re walking on pillars of sand. Keep it simple and concise, punchy and inspirational.

2 – The Journey is just as important as the destination:

Effective leaders have the ability to not only inspire but also create a clear direction to the reach what they want. What steps will you as a business take to reach this vision you’ve proposed, if it’s too lofty or pie-in-the-sky then you’re inevitably going to get some people sign out because it simply seems impossible.

3 – Welcome Opinions and Brainstorm:

Make your people feel a genuine part of the vision by getting their feedback and ideas to help get there and be earnest about it. Nothing gets better engagement from someone than if they feel like they have some ownership and input into an idea, they’ll be just afraid of it failing as you.

4 – Make it obvious and don’t forget it:

Your vision is linked to your ‘Why’ statement. Making it obvious and front of mind for your people as well as outsiders will cement it as the DNA of your business, the vision and the why need to concise, no-fluff and on-display.

5 – It’s about us:

Try to use collective terms like ‘We’ and ‘Us’ when describing and talking about the vision, this will allow employees to feel part of the journey and the impact they’ll be making on the success of the business. Don’t stop there though put in place actions to show your employees tangible differences their participation has made to the vision of the business.

“A company’s employees are its greatest asset and your people are your product” – Richard Branson

The success of your vision is predicated on the collective effort of all your people, who they operate, how much effort they put in, the experience they give to your customers and their desire to stay with you throughout your journey. The simple act of opening up the vision of your business can make a huge impact on the success of your business.

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