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Microsoft and LinkedIn Integration helps Employers reach more relevant Candidates with Job Openings

Microsoft and LinkedIn Integration helps Employers reach more relevant Candidates with Job Openings

Written by James Osborne

Last edited May 3, 2023

Microsoft and LinkedIn Integration helps Employers reach more relevant Candidates with Job Openings

LinkedIn, announced their integration with Microsoft which will help job seekers and recruiters alike. This integration is in response to a report recently released from LinkedIn which showed numerous findings about job seekers. 

LinkedIn has announced a new integration with Microsoft, which will bring LinkedIn jobs automatically into Microsoft Word when users are creating or updating their CVs. The new integration, Resume Assistant, will be rolled out to Microsoft Insiders from today and available to Microsoft Office 365 subscribers in the coming months. The integration comes following LinkedIn research that found more than 80% of jobseekers update their CV in Word and 60% stated the biggest challenge was not knowing if they are portraying themselves in the right way.

For recruiters, finding a candidate in the early stages of their job-seeking journey is the ultimate win. And, for job seekers, having access to examples of relevant CVs and suggested jobs early in their search is important for their decision making. LinkedIn’s recent report on today’s candidate mindset revealed that nearly 90% of candidates want jobs details within the first message they receive from recruiters, before information on salary (72%), company overview (69%) or how they fit into the culture (54%).

Resume Assistant is designed to build interest in jobs while a candidate is signalling intent. Using machine learning and LinkedIn insights, jobseekers will be able to see examples of relevant work experience, and skills most common to that role, along with articles on how to showcase their CV. Additionally, while they are editing their CV and signalling intent, professionals will see job recommendations from the platform’s 11 million+ job postings and can go directly to job posts without having to search. The job suggestions will be personalised to each jobseeker, based on the role and industry the candidate is crafting their CV for.

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