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#PlaytoWin – The Biggest Recruitment Event of the Year

#PlaytoWin – The Biggest Recruitment Event of the Year

Written by James Osborne

Last edited May 5, 2023

#PlaytoWin – The Biggest Recruitment Event of the Year

On Thursday 12th July over 150 TRN members and recruitment industry experts gathered together for the start of the TRN Retreat, the biggest recruitment event of the year.On Thursday 12th July over 150 TRN members and recruitment industry experts gathered together for the start of the TRN Retreat, the biggest recruitment event of the year.” align=”center

Malcolm Smith

Malcolm Smith got us off to a fantastic start and was the very first speaker to take to the stage. Malcolm spoke on the art of delegation and how to unleash a business’s full potential and enable growth, focusing on leaders needing to release their grip. He shared his practical approach with our members, giving them key take away points to implement within their own recruitment businesses.

The thought provoking session challenged the thinking of everyone in the room, unlocking ‘the how’ of promise management and how to develop the skill and hone the art of delegation. At the end of this session, the members had a short break to grab tea and coffee and a chance to catch up with peers before heading to the breakout sessions.

Breakout Sessions

For the next part of the day, the members were separated into three groups; Red, White and Blue. Three sessions were run back to back so that we could pack in as much content as possible.

Breakout Session 1 – Johnny Campbell – Sourcing Lab

Session one took our members back to the classroom. Exercise books on the table for each person, all set to scribble their notes down and Johnny Campbell, CEO of Social Talent, led the session. Lab coats on, our members were ready to get to work. Each group were given an imaginary scenario, with a £5million budget to spend to come up with a new tech-based recruitment idea.

Each group was then given a different area of recruitment to focus on, for example, some were given fast-paced contract work to look at, whereas others were focusing on recruiting in the tech industry. When they had come up with their business plans, covering the 5 main areas, each group pitched their ideas for the chance to win a prize from Social Talent which they can use in their own businesses.

Breakout 2 -Andrew Sillitoe – Fit to Win

Following the first breakout session, lunch provided another chance to chat with fellow members and partners, then it was straight back to it. The second breakout session was led by Andrew Sillitoe, former Team GBR in-line Hockey Coach, now business coach. Andrew took us through the 5 locker room rules and the 4 keys.

Andrew got everyone up and out of their seats to play a quick game to demonstrate the process of improving and development, which got very competitive towards the end. His holistic approach to wellbeing got everyone thinking of the wider picture, outside of business, in order to be successful.

Breakout 3 – James Osborne – Sell to Win

The final breakout session of the day was led by Chairman of The Recruitment Network, James Osborne. The practical scenario-based session put the business owners in a fictitious recruitment company, Play to Win Recruitment. They worked through various challenges that recruitment businesses face in the world today.

With an economic challenge up first, the participants had to work out how the business would handle this disruption. Just as they thought they had over come their biggest challenge of the day, their top biller announced his resignation. The team which solved the issues and overcame all of the challenges thrown at them received a prize at the end.

Ben Renshaw

Internationally acclaimed author, coach and business consultant, Ben Renshaw, finished the day with a bang. His session on leading with purpose took our members through discovering their purpose in order to lead their team and business. Having worked with organisations such as BT, Heathrow, Heinz and Unilever, Ben has built an international reputation for his innovative approach.

Ben’s latest of 8 books is called ‘Purpose’ and is all about the extraordinary benefits of focusing on what matters most, your aims and what it is you’re working to achieve. Ben emphasized that you must be clear on this before you can lead your people to success.

English Summer Garden Party

Following a packed day of speakers and breakout sessions, our members enjoyed some evening entertainment and drinks on the lawn at the stunning Surrey venue, The Selsdon Estate. The theme was an English Summer Garden Party, with sausage rolls and Eton mess on the menu and games on the lawn.

The highlight of the evening saw an escapology twist. Rob Roy Collins was wrapped and padlocked in chains by two audience members, before climbing a ladder and attempting to escape in 2 minutes. He wriggled and distorted his body and managed to escape with a huge cheer from the crowd.

Morning High Intensity Bootcamp

After an extremely busy Thursday, members had the chance to start their day right at our High Intensity boot camp with Lou Hagger. Taking place in the grounds of the picturesque Selsdon Estate bright and early, Lou put them through their paces with a range of high-intensity cardio workouts.

Following a post-workout breakfast, members gathered back together for an official outline of their second TRN Retreat day before welcoming Matthew Syed to the stage.

Matthew Syed

With a focus on the mindset and environment needed to be successful, Matthew Syed drew on his vast experience as a world table tennis champion and renowned speaker. Having worked to develop businesses worldwide such as Barclays and Goldman Sachs, Matthew presented how he was able to challenge the mindset of large corporations and how this can be achieved in the businesses of TRN members.

In particular, Matthew used examples from the NHS and Aviation industry to demonstrate and challenge the blame culture that can often disrupt a business. Finishing his speech, Matthew took questions from members, providing them with thoughts to challenge their own leadership and its impact on those around them.

The Golf Buggy Challenge

Next, members took to the outside area to participate in the golf buggy challenge. Armed with the results from their business audits completed the night before, members had a tailored plan which detailed the experts best equipped to solve their largest business problems.

Each golf buggy acted as a base for two experts specialising in an area of business which ranged from scaling a business to culture and diversity. Members had time to question and challenge the experts and gain practical advice which they could take away from the retreat and implement into their business.

Marcus Child

Marcus Child was the next speaker to challenge the minds of our members, presenting on high performance culture. Having worked with large global brands, Marcus used examples of his own work and what constituted real drivers and motivations for sustained commitment in business.

Next, Marcus went on to challenge the unbalanced focus on the left and right side of the brain in the education system and how this inevitably filters into the workplace. By providing examples of this and questioning its relevance in business, Marcus demonstrated the necessary changes that need to be made to a business’s culture and the growth which comes from it. Following this speech, members were left with ideas that they can take to their own businesses where they can lead their own high-performance culture.

Action Logs and Feedback Plans

After a busy day focused on overcoming their biggest challenges in their businesses, members were left to fill out their feedback and action logs, so both The Recruitment Network can improve for the next retreat, and their businesses can be held accountable for the actions they wish to implement.

It was a packed two-day event, but feedback from the Retreat has been overwhelmingly positive, leaving lots to be focused on to ensure that we take the very best from the 2018 event as well as improving it for next year.

Find out more about The Recruitment Network

We’d love to discuss with you about how The Recruitment Network can support and grow your business, from the free training and consultancy to our hugely successful events. Simply fill in the form below and we’ll get in touch with you.


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