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What Recruiters Really Want for Christmas

What Recruiters Really Want for Christmas

Written by James Osborne

Last edited May 3, 2023

What Recruiters Really Want for Christmas

Door 23 of our #TRN Advent Calendar we take you through what Recruiters really want for Christmas!We’ve all had rubbish presents before at Christmas. The sort of presents that someone has bought for you as they feel obliged to give something, but they don’t really know what you want. Well we have a list of things here that recruiters really want for Christmas.

A Good Leader

This one isn’t strictly just for recruiters. Everyone wants a good leader or good leading influence to follow. Here at the Recruitment Network we run the Recruitment Trailblazers Programme which is designed to take middle managers and senior leaders through a journey which builds them into experts in people management and leadership.

Clear Direction

In the shorter term, to be a good leader, giving clear direction is key. We have plenty of video content on REX, our Recruitment Expertise Dashboard for more inspiration on giving clear direction and being a good leader.

A Company that Promotes from Within

This is a desirable trait in a company and recruiters are definitely going to want to work for your company if this is something you follow. Talent management programmes to build your employees up to promotion are the best way to get this into action. In November, we focused on succession planning for this whole month, finishing with an e-book to combine all of the articles from the month. You can download the e-book here.


Now this could be tackled at two angles. Talent in terms of candidates to place in roles, but also talent for their own team or agency. Finding talent is something that every recruiter is after, whichever way you look at it. In a recent article of ours we delve deeper into the huge topic of talent attraction, with some tips on things to help attract talent.

Good Client Relationships

Every recruiter wants good relationships with their clients, but this is something that comes from them and cannot be bought, so how can you give this as a gift? Well, we regularly run Customer Experience and Account Management Masterclasses at our HQ in Kent. The sessions are a full day, within easy access of London, and are designed for delegates who interact with customers in their role and want to focus on engaging customer emotional experience, which influences customer behaviour and consequently their spend.


So, there you have it, this is what recruiters really want for Christmas this year. These are not quick gifts that can be bought last minute but meaningful, long lasting and worth while things that every recruiter will love. You can find more information on the programmes and masterclasses mentioned here on our website.

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